January 26, 2013

January 26, 2013

We are trying a “new” format for the Newsletter. Should be a lot less frustrating for all, at least in theory. If you have come this far, you have noticed it brings you directly to the web site (familiar ground).

Like us on Facebook. We post news of quilt shows, new items, point out an existing item, share people’s quilt projects, even share other web sites.

Follow us on Pinterest. Pinterest is an online pinboard. Organize and share things you love.


We have two new links on the Home page. These will be found by hovering your mouse over ABOUT US. The first new link is LINKS. Click on it. We are planning to post links which may be of interest to you. Each link will open in a new window. The second link is QUILT AND CRAFT SHOWS. Again, click on it. We have only a few posted at this time but are planning to add a lot more as they become known to us. Little purple hearts ♥ indicate shows we have participated in in past years. Please send info to spool@uniquspool.com with quilt and craft shows you would like to see posted.

Sales this month is 25% off of your order including things already on sale. Code will be “0207 and will run thru February 7, 2013.

NEW African Fabric has arrived. Three new prints and one from the past.



FabShop HOP!

A Shop Hop for January is nearly over. However, a whole new hop starts in February. You have time to register for the hop, no cost to you but you could win the grand prize or one of many $10.00 gift certificates from a whole slew of shops.

Click on the bunny to go to the official Shop Hop site. You will not only discover new fabric shops but you may just win

Web Site HINT: Those little pink hearts next to each product on the web site are a great convenience to use while you are deciding on just what you would like to arrive in the mail. Click on the hearts you want to review. They will all be in MY FAVORITES under the SHOP button next to the HOME button. Since they will be organized in one spot, you will be able to make your selections easier. A great tool for your shopping experience! Add and delete, collect a few, collect a lot. Use it for a wish list

I am so glad you are a member of the newsletter. I appreciate your loyalty. The various sales, new arrivals and discounts are only available to members of the newsletter. The general public are not aware of them. If you would like to share the coupon numbers with friends, please feel free to do so.

Thanks so much for your participation in our newsletter.

Roberta Dent


Cierra Ashley – fragrance for life. You are going to love these fragrances. The decorative pots are simply gorgeous. You get great home fragrance without flames, heat or messy wax. The scent is safely spread throughout the entire area with the unique fan system. Fragrances last 400 hours with two wicks (included), covers about 1000 sq ft area. New mini fans, new fragrances. Come by and see us at Cierra Ashley.

You too can be an Advisor, host parties and open houses. Just call me, Roberta Dent, at 208 465 4412 and I will do the rest. If you contact the home company, my Advisor number is 100075.


I am now a Mary Kay Consultant !! The web site is at www.marykay.com/robertadent. New limited edition products along with your favorites.New products have been introduced.

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